Green Tiger Eye Skull Wolf Bracelet
A unique green tiger eye bracelet adorned with skulls and a wolf head.
Powerful Healing Stone
Experience the potent healing properties of the green tiger eye stone combined with other powerful symbols and natural stones.
Symbolic Punk Design
Embrace a one-of-a-kind punk-inspired lithotherapy bracelet featuring skulls, wolves, and the grounding properties of lava stone.
Technical Specifications
- Faceted green tiger eye stones measuring 8mm
- Skulls, wolf head, and lava stone accents
- Unique and fashionable design
- Combines style with spiritual significance
- Provides protection and stability
Enhance your style and well-being with our Green Tiger Eye Skull Wolf Bracelet. This unique accessory features faceted green tiger eye stones alongside symbolic skulls and a wolf head. The inclusion of lava stone not only adds grounding properties but also offers protection from negative energies. Embrace the fashionable yet spiritual appeal of this bracelet, which serves as a reminder of resilience and inner strength. Discover the power of this healing stone jewelry piece that combines style with metaphysical significance.